Asbestos, which was used in many common building materials, is a natural mineral found in rock through many geographic regions of the world. Federal, state and local regulations were established due to the hazards of asbestos exposures. From 1970 to 2000 there were approximately 600,000 liability claims or suits related to asbestos exposure which resulted in the payment of more than $70 billion in legal judgments and/or settlement penalty damages.
Asbestos Litigation

Targets of asbestos lawsuits have included:
Asbestos manufacturers
Asbestos installers
Property owners
Leasing Agents
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can assess a monetary civil penalty up to $15,127.00 per day per non-compliance violation.
Even though it is widely known that asbestos is a carcinogen, not all asbestos uses are banned today. According to EPA, some of the following asbestos-containing products are no longer subject to the 1989 Toxic Substances Control Act:
Asbestos-cement corrugated and flat sheets
Roofing felt
Vinyl-asbestos floor tile
Asbestos-cement pipe
Non-roofing coatings and roof coating
* Source: Federal Register on Nov. 5, 1993 (58 FR 58964)
This means that any home or building could have asbestos containing building materials installed. In order to obtain a General Consolidated Permit in Puerto Rico you will need a certificate that states that there is no asbestos in the project. The following criterion applies:
The following criterion applies:
Must be performed by an accredited asbestos inspector
Construction date of the project is not a consideration
Completion of the form OGP-PGC is required
Zimmetry can keep you on the right track in addressing asbestos issues within your facilities by:
Having accredited asbestos inspectors
Using NVLAP accredited laboratories
Ensuring compliance with all applicable regulatory standards, including the OSHA asbestos standards and applicable EPA regulations
Performing required inspections and re-inspections according to the EPA's AHERA regulation, project oversights and staff training
Utilizing state-of-the-art onsite equipment and inspection techniques
Development of comprehensive inspection reports
Accomplish full compliance with our asbestos consultation by counting on:
xpert and reliable interpretation of applicable asbestos regulatory standards for over seventeen years
Served as expert witnesses and presenters to government agencies, institutional clients and private contractors on asbestos issues
Customized presentations to staff/building occupants who express asbestos concern and/or as part of the AHERA regulatory requirements